If you are planning to move house, it’s better to choose the perfect Time to move. The best Time to move house depends on your circumstances. If you have a job, children, specific responsibilities, Time may be varied. Apart from your reasons, there are environmental conditions to consider. If you are planning to move on a holiday, it will increase the cost.
What is the Best Time to move house with children?
If you have children, you should think about the convenience of your task. You have to consider your children’s safety, your cost, and many more reasons. The summer holidays are the Best Time of year to move if you have children. It allows your children to complete their classes, and they are free with summer vacation. They can fix their mind with their new location in holidays. This also can be much less daunting for children to move at the end of their class rather than moving in the middle of the school year. It also leads to doing more summer activities with your children on packing, moving, and unpacking.
What is the Best Time to move while saving money?
Since the weather in London is unpredictable, it is difficult to choose a better time to move. Even we suggest moving in summer, and the temperature can quickly increase more than 300. So, it’s better to arrange your move in good weather conditions. If you want to avoid much heat, set the movers in the milder weather of Autumn or Spring. Usually, movers tend to slow down from September to November. So, this is a perfect time to move, as this avoids the worst weather in the UK while reducing extra costs.
What is the Best Time to move based on holidays?
It will be a difficult task if you move between Christmas and New Year because many places close down during this period. Even you can find movers, estate agents, and solicitors might not be there. Paying deposits also might be difficult with holidays. If something goes wrong related to your move or deposits, you have to wait until the end of the season to fix it. Moving on bank holidays is also risky. So it is better to arrange your move on regular days.
What is the Best Time of the month?
Mid-month is the Best Time to move, as movers have high availability in mid months. Further, many rental agreements may run monthly from the start to the end of the month. It also helps to keep less cost while giving more flexibility.
Moving house in Summer
Summer is the Best Time to move your house. As earlier mentioned, families can take advantage of summer holidays to get children settled, long bright days. So, it is better to book removers earlier in summer as it will get busy.
Moving house in Spring
The second most popular season in the year is Spring. As everything starts fresh up and gets lighter, moves are increasing this season, and people are willing to sell houses. Spring is a good choice with better lighting, mild temperature, and optimum weather conditions. Further, Spring has several bank holidays, so that you can take that advantage for unpacking.
Moving house in Autumn
Autumn is also a perfect choice for moving, and September is a popular month. With the fades of summer, September has a considerable amount of light and long bright days than later Autumn months. You may also get attractive rates in Autumn as summer is the peak time. So, if you are considering a budget, Autumn may be a good choice.
Moving house in winter
Winter is the minor favorable season for moving due to the adverse weather and short, dark days. Cold weather also makes a move harder, and the icy roads are riskier. December and November are the least popular months in the UK due to the weather and Christmas celebrations. If you plan to arrange your move in December, it should be well organized by booking removal companies in advance.
What is the popular day to move house in the UK?
The most popular day to move to the UK is Friday. Many people prefer to move house on Fridays and Saturdays, as the weekend gives them plenty of Time to unpack and adjust to a new place. Since people plan their moving date based on their working schedules, Friday is the best day to move house.
Significantly more minor move on Sundays as many services like banks, estate agents, conveyancing solicitors, and many more benefits are out of duty. Booking Friday as off work to move means you will get great free three days to unpack and settle on a new home. If you have a complete Friday, from Friday morning followed by a long weekend to move is a perfect moving house process.
Things to consider when moving on Friday:
- It’s better to book house removals in advance, as many have high demand since Friday is popular. This also reduces the house removal cost.
- Arrange all pre-completion work before Friday to make things so smooth. This includes signing mortgage deeds and ordering mortgage monies.
- Use the moving house checklist and check each point.
- Complete everything in the morning, as the banks may close to transfer money by 3 pm.
Does the Time of the year affect removal rates?
Off-peak times like Spring or after summer holidays can usually have low costs. When it comes to a particular day, Sunday is the cheapest day, and then Wednesday and Saturday. Friday stands as the popular day among people.
But it’s better to choose a weekday as you can avoid a busy move while having assurance if something goes wrong. You can solve that problem quickly, during working hours. You also can get a quick response from utility companies. This also reduces the weekend rate for a tradesman.