How to prepare for an eco-friendly move?

Man and Van

Do you think yourself a member of the green community? If you’re moving, you should be aware of the environmental impact. Even though it may seem inconsequential, moving to a new location can have a negative impact on the environment. How to prepare for an eco-friendly move? This article will provide you the perfect answer.

It’s the simple things that often go unnoticed and can lead to large issues. Throwing away undesired goods in a terrible manner is common. It’s possible that you’re not properly disposing of dangerous things that you need to get rid of. More gas emissions have released into the atmosphere when moving.

When it comes to the environment, moving isn’t exactly a green procedure. In spite of the fact that moving boxes can be recycled, the majority of moving companies generate a lot of waste, waste and driving. Since the typical American moves 11.4 times in their lifetime (and many people move more than that), every one of us contributes significantly to the environment through our moves.

Fortunately, reducing your carbon footprint by adopting green moving is actually rather straightforward, especially if you prepare ahead. It’s in everyone’s best interest to incorporate eco-friendly practices into their daily lives.


Bring containers you already have with you.

Use containers you currently own to pack up your belongings instead of purchasing new ones for your relocation. These are some examples:

  • The plastic bins
  • Suitcases
  • Drawers in a dresser
  • Gym bags and duffel bags are included.
  • Totes that can use again and again.


Make use of items that can be packed inside of each other before putting them in your suitcase. Use a fresh waste bag to line your bathroom trash bin and use it to keep objects that have accumulated under your sink. You can save money on moving boxes if you can fit more of your belongings into containers you already own.

Maintain a collection of boxes you receive over the course of the year.

It’s true that online shopping isn’t the most eco-friendly way to stock up on necessities, but since it’s so common in today’s world, the boxes your purchases arrive in might as well serve a dual purpose. It is a good idea to save the boxes you receive when purchasing online goods in case of an impending relocation or if your move frequency is regular. To keep them out of your mind and out of the way, dismantle and store them in your garage, cellar, or beneath your bed.

Get used boxes if you need extra.

You should only buy new moving boxes as a last resort if you want to go green when you move. Instead, gather up used boxes from other sites. Get in touch with your closed ones as well as local grocery and retail businesses to see if anyone has any spare boxes they’d be willing to give you. If that doesn’t work, try looking for free moving boxes on Craigslist or Freecycle in your neighbourhood, or go to a site like, which sells boxes that manufacturers rejected because of problems. You should be able to find what you’re looking for if you do a lot of outreach.

Get creative with your packing supplies.

Materials used to protect your belongings during transit, such as bubble wrap, are not as easily recycled as cardboard boxes. Despite the fact that these materials can be recycled at designated locations, many people forget to do so and end up throwing away a large portion of their packing materials.

Start with what you already have before investing in difficult-to-recycle materials. For packing, you can safely wrap your belongings in towels, linens, comforters, or even clothes. Start with a newspaper if you’re short on supplies; it can go in your regular recycling bin. Use a site like Recycle Finder to find out where you can recycle your plastic packing materials once you’re done with them.


Donate the things you don’t use anymore.

When you’re getting ready to move, it’s a great time to get rid of stuff you don’t need and donate them to a good cause. You can organize your belongings into “donate,” “recycle,” and “toss” piles as you’re preparing for your relocation. Tossing goods that you can’t find another use for should go at the bottom of your to-do list.

Goodwill, Veterans for America, and other local charities, including schools, libraries, and animal shelters, are all great places to give gently used items. Make sure you’re disposing items in the proper manner for recycling. E-cycling Central has a list of nearby locations where you can recycle electronics, and TerraCycle has information about how to recycle just about anything else.


Don’t cram your complete kitchen into a storage unit at once.

The kitchen is one of the most difficult rooms to pack, so it makes more sense than many movers start there. However, you’ll be forced to use plastic plates, cups, and utensils once all of your dishes and cutlery have been put away. In order to avoid having to rely on non-sustainable resources for your meals, leave out just enough kitchen supplies to get you through the moving process.


Make use of eco-friendly relocating services.

For the most environmentally friendly relocation, you should pick a moving company that employs environmentally friendly methods. There is no need to worry on using cardboard boxes when you choose a green moving company because they will use trucks that run on biodiesel fuel instead of standard gasoline.


Reduce the number of visits back and forth.

When relocating, make as few journeys as feasible. Instead of making errands to and from your new residence, have your belongings shipped by professional movers on moving day. If you’re planning on handling any of the packings and loading yourself, don’t do it piecemeal; pack all you can into your car or van at once. Your move will go more smoothly if you can make as few trips as possible.


Use Eco-Friendly Disposal Methods for All Dangerous Materials

During a move, there is a good chance that dangerous materials will be found. All homes contain a lot of things that need to be stored in a secure location. Some of it can’t just be tossed in a dustbin and forgotten about. Disposing of most of them requires a specific method.

Materials including ammonia, acids, gasoline, motor oil, kerosene and antifreeze can be dangerous if they are not properly disposed of. You can either dispose it yourself or hire a professional to do it for you if you follow the disposal guidelines on the label. However, you should only use eco-friendly services, so ask around for recommendations.

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